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Winter Septic Tank Maintenance Tips

Winter Septic Tank Maintenance Tips

If you own a septic system, then you know that the municipality or local government is not maintaining it. Your septic system is your responsibility. With winter in full swing, it is important to make sure your septic tank and drain field are prepared for the ground freezes, snow, and ice. Otherwise, you risk frozen pipes, cracked septic tank, and faulty drain field. Septic Connection is your local septic professional and we are sharing some tips to protect one of your home’s most important utilities. If you have any specific questions or concerns; or if you want to schedule an appointment with a qualified septic tank maintenance technician, then call Septic Connection today to speak with a courteous representative.

Start with an Inspection

Your septic system is predominantly underground where the naked eye cannot see. The septic tank repair and maintenance professionals at Septic Connection have sophisticated technology to non-invasively inspect the system for cracks, clogs, loosened connections, and more. 
However, there are some spots that you can inspect yourself. For example, inspect your tank lid for cracks or leaks and note the location of the lid in case it becomes hidden by the snowfall. Similarly, inspect the system inside of your home as well. Leaky faucets should be repaired, and exposed pipes should be insulated.

Let Water Flow Regularly

Still water is more at risk of freezing than running water. If there are faucets or toilets that you seldom use, then make sure to flush or run them every now and then to keep water flowing and prevent frozen pipes. Remember though that you should not overload your septic tank. Too much water in the septic system can overwhelm the drain field!

Let It Snow

There is a common misconception that snow will freeze the septic tank and lid. In reality, snow acts as insulation. Do not plow the snow off the top of the septic tank lest you risk your tank freezing. A good preventative measure is placing a layer of mulch or dry soil over the system.

Do Not Park or Drive Over Your Septic System

Freezing temperature is already a huge burden on the septic system’s pipes. Do not park or drive over your septic system, especially the drain field. The weight of the vehicle can misalign or crack pipes. It can also compact the soil in the drain field and interfere in its ability to percolate wastewater through the soil.

Remember to Pump the Tank

You know that the septic tank is limited in capacity; it can only hold so much. At Septic Connection, we recommend that septic tanks be pumped once every two to four years and cleaned once every four to five years. We encourage homeowners to get their pumping complete before winter arrives because the last thing you want is a sewage backup during a snowstorm.

Call the Professionals

If you have any issues with your septic system, then please do not hesitate to call Septic Connection. Our lines are always open and our live representatives are on 24-hour standby to take your call.