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Signs You Need to Pump Your Septic Tank

Signs You Need to Pump Your Septic Tank

There are many signs homeowners need to look out for to tell when to pump their septic tank. The issue is that some aren’t obvious at all, and before you know it, a backup has formed in your home. Septic Connection is your go-to septic service company for top-notch septic tank pumping and maintenance. Several signs will help you understand when to pump your septic tank.

Bad Odors

If there’s a foul odor coming from your plumbing, the chances are that your septic system needs to be pumped as soon as possible. If your kitchen or bathroom smells like sewage, don’t try to clean it yourself. Instead, reach out to a professional septic service to help drain and give it a good cleaning.

Water Leaks During Rainstorms

When there’s heavy rainfall, water leaks from the septic system into your compound and around your home, indicating a significant problem with your septic system. You need to schedule routine maintenance on your drainage and septic system to prevent this from happening.

Flooded Water

Although it’s not easily recognized, even drainage systems in your home can flood due to septic problems. In cases where your septic system is failing, you are likely to find stagnant water in your basement or compound. This is frustrating, and you may require septic tank pumping services to help.

Gurgling Noises

When we use the sink or flush our toilet, small rumbles can sometimes come out of the floor beneath. These noises usually go undetected by most people until a major problem arises that requires professional repair and maintenance.

If you notice gurgles regularly, it could indicate a severe issue in your system. A blockage in one of the main lines connected to the tank could pressure other components and lead to leaks and cracks throughout your plumbing fixtures.

Sewage Backup

If the drains back up, it could mean that you need to empty the contents of your septic. If you observe this sign in your home, it’s best to hire a professional plumber who has an idea of what needs to be done before making further decisions.

Slow Drains

If you notice slow draining sinks, tubs, or shower stalls, it could signal that your sewer system is full or blocked. To fix this, you’ll want to have septic tank pumping services. Once this is done, your plumbers will add aeration devices to help break down the gases found inside the septic system.

Backups When Flushing

Toilets provide the easiest way to tell if you need to pump your tank. Most toilets won’t overflow if their drain pipe is working properly. But if you find out that your toilet overflows after flushing several times, it could mean that your pipes have become blocked or corroded. 

Hopefully, these tips will help maintain an efficient and effective septic system. Hiring licensed professionals at Septic Connection is often a great way to ensure that you get the service you need without spending thousands of dollars. Call us today and schedule an appointment with the experts.