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Winterizing Your Septic System

Winterizing Your Septic System

Winter is often a period of reduced activity, especially in residential projects like septic tank pumping and installations. There are usually a lot of limitations in digging the frozen ground, and the risk of emergencies is higher because of frozen lines and backups. Unfortunately, such emergencies typically happen during the holidays, causing a lot of inconvenience and frustration. The best way to mitigate these issues is by taking preventative measures, like scheduling routine maintenance checks with a reputable septic company. This goes a long way in ensuring your septic system is in tip-top condition throughout the winter and the rest of the year. Septic Connection leverages innovative equipment and extensive experience to assess, detect, diagnose, and address issues before they get out of hand.

Cold Temperatures & Septic Systems

Most homeowners need to be aware of the impact temperature has on their septic systems: temperature influences nitrification and the rate of flow and mixing in your system. Nitrification refers to the breaking down of waste by naturally occurring bacteria in the system. The microbes responsible for this process are less active in the winter, meaning your waste is processed slower.

Although the tank is buried beneath the ground where the temperatures are 10-20 degrees warmer, it is advisable to monitor things. Whether you have a large volume tank, shallow system, or multiple components surrounded by frozen soil, hiring a professional septic company can ensure everything is running at high performance.

Frozen Lines – Tips & Solutions

If you own a rental property or cabin, ensure there’s no slow-running water from water softeners, fixtures, or furnace condensation. When the temperatures reach freezing point, running water turns to ice and builds up in the drain lines until it forms a complete blockage. However, if you plan on staying home full-time, frequent warm water and detergents in your daily chores raise the freezing point of wastewater. This maintains the biological activity in your waste management system and reduces the need for constant septic tank pumping.

Our team of highly trained technicians can ensure your septic system goes the distance by installing insulated sewage lines. We encase these pipes in an insulated urethane foam sandwiched between polyethylene exteriors. Many options are available, and a trusted septic company can insulate them.

Preventing Freezing of the Drain Field and Pipes

One of the most effective ways to prevent freezing and protect your drain field is by maintaining long grass on top of the system. This is important as winter approaches because long grass provides a layer of insulation for the waste management system. If this is not possible, add a layer of straw or leaves to help keep heat and prevent freezing.

You can also maintain an efficient system throughout the winter to avoid driving over your septic system and ensure the water supply is shut off if you are closing up your home over the winter. These winterizing tips can help you save thousands of dollars on repairs and replacements. Not to mention enhance the durability of your septic system.

Contact us at Septic Connection and schedule a consultation with our experts to learn more winterizing tips. Your septic system is a vital part of your home, and we can help you provide the care it deserves at pocket-friendly rates.