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How Laundry Impacts the Septic Tank

How Laundry Impacts the Septic Tank

Wastewater from your washing machine poses minimal harm to your septic tank. But without adequate planning and care, the septic tank can clog or flood. Our Septic Connection inspects, identifying, and rectifying issues as soon as possible. Our years of experience, modern technology, and high level of skills ensure your septic tank runs efficiently.

A flooded or clogged septic tank will cause sewage backup in your home, leading to unpleasant smells and increasing the risks of diseases. Our septic company can help solve these issues. The following are the standard ways laundry can affect your septic tank.

Overloading the System

Washing machines use too much water, but there is a limit that your septic tank can hold. Doing several loads of laundry in a short time can overwhelm the septic tank. If the tank is overloaded, it will release the household waste into a drain field before processing occurs, leading to flooding and affect septic tank pumping. If you have a small septic tank, consider only doing one load of laundry in one day. Alternatively, you can do one laundry in the morning and the next in the evening.

Detergent Misuse

Too much detergent will also cause problems for your septic tank. The detergents alter the pH balance of the septic tank. Accumulating these chemicals in your machine will cause a rotten egg smell, leaving your clothes with an unpleasant odor. The buildup will also affect the structural integrity of your septic tank and lead to several problems, such as clogging and flooding.

Using powdered laundry detergent can also cause septic tank problems. The ingredients in these detergents contain fillers that are non-biodegradable and will build up in the septic tank. Clogs will eventually form in the septic tank and affect the draining process. Ensure you only use biodegradable detergents for your washing machine. Liquid detergents are the most recommended, as they dissolve well into water and leaves minimal residual.

Dirty Lint Filters

A washing machine has a lint filter which helps prevent lint from clinging to the clothes being washed. Some things that will show that your lint filters are dirty are clothes containing lint and odors in the washing machine. If the filter is clogged, the lint can flow to the septic tank causing clogging. It is a good practice to check the filters periodically to ensure zero buildups and ensure adequate septic tank pumping.

Older Washing Machines

The older washing machines are not energy efficient and use many gallons of water. Modern machines help minimize water usage and are more energy efficient. They will also cause a minimal impact on the septic tank. With the contemporary washer, it is possible to do extra loads in a day.

Avoiding washing too many loads of clothes, proper use of detergents, upgrading the washing machine, and periodical cleaning of the lint filters will ensure your septic tank is performing optimally. If you note any draining or clogging issues in the septic, at Septic Connection, we can assist you in detecting and solving the problem. Contact us today and discuss with our septic company experts how to avoid frequent clogs and flooding of your septic tank.