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How To Properly Maintain Your Septic Tank

How To Properly Maintain Your Septic Tank

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 20% of households across the country rely on a septic system for their waste management needs. With that in mind, homeowners need to understand how septic systems work and conduct maintenance to enhance longevity. Septic Connection can help you maintain an efficient and durable system by scheduling routine inspections. This allows us to detect minor signs of deterioration before things get out of hand. The last thing you want is to make septic tank repair calls, following a pipe burst or leak. Here are ways to properly maintain your system and avoid such nasty scenarios.

Pump the Septic Tank Regularly

Regular septic tank pumping is critical to improve system performance and lifespan. Although industry experts recommend pumping every three to five years, there are factors to consider. These include tank size, the number of people living in the building, and the type of waste that goes into the tank. If your tank is smaller or there are many people in the house, you may require septic tank pumping services sooner. We recommend consulting a reputable septic company to customize a care plan that addresses your system’s needs.

Inspect for Leaks

Leaks are the leading cause of septic tank repair calls our technicians to get. Most leaks go undetected for a long, wreaking havoc on your premises. It is crucial to regularly check for telltale signs of leakages and hire a professional septic company to handle repairs. A common sign of a septic leak includes greener grass above the leach field, wet spots, and sewage smells. Some leaks happen beneath the ground, compromising system function and durability. We leverage extensive industry knowledge and expertise to inspect, detect, diagnose, and repair leaks before the damage becomes more pronounced.

Mark and Maintain the Leach Field

Septic systems have a tank and leach field. The leach field is more sensitive than the septic tank and requires protection throughout the system lifespan. While it is several feet beneath the surface, there are perforated pipes that extend across the yard, making this area a no-go zone for heavy machinery. However, people can walk around without causing damage. Mark off the leach field to inform others that this area can’t support heavy loads.

Limit Water Usage and Household Waste

If you don’t want to incur the hefty cost of a septic tank installation sooner, you need to pay attention to the amount of water and waste going down the drains and toilet. Septic systems can be overwhelmed by excess water, so it’s a good idea to install water-efficient appliances, divert roof water, and fix leaks as soon as possible. In addition, a high amount of solid waste is bad for your system, causing sludge buildup and frequent septic pumping.

It is advisable to take preventive measures and fix minor problems before they cause irreversible damage. Although the list of maintenance tips is not limited to the ones mentioned, these will help you avoid costly repairs and replacements. Contact us at Septic Connection and schedule a consultation with our technicians. We provide top-quality services, including septic tank installation and maintenance at competitive rates.