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Septic Tank Repair in Hodges, SC

Septic Tank Repair in Hodges, SC

If you are among the twenty percent of homeowners in the United States without access to a centralized sewer system, then you probably have a septic system installed in your property. You should know that it is your responsibility to maintain, repair, and replace it whenever necessary. Fortunately for residents in Hodges, Septic Connection is ready to help with any septic system maintenance, septic tank repair, and even septic tank installation in Hodges. Get the most out of your septic tank installation by scheduling your routine maintenance and timely repairs with Septic Connection today. We also offer professional septic inspection. Call Septic Connection now to speak with a live representative.

Start with Proper Care and Usage

You should actually be more careful with a septic system than you would be with a traditional sewer system. For beginners, while water usage is not so limited with a traditional sewer system, your septic system is vulnerable to overloading. Stagger your shower, dishwasher, and washing machine usage to avoid overwhelming the system. Then, refrain from flushing nondegradable items down the toilet and keep fats, oils, and greases out of the system to the best of your ability. Finally, avoid pouring chemicals down your drains. This includes chemical drain cleaners and bleach. These substances can threaten the vital bacteria in the septic tank.

Have You Scheduled Your Inspection?

There are signs that indicate your septic system is faulty or damaged, but the best way to catch issues and nip them in the bud is with a professional septic inspection. The technicians at Septic Connection have non-invasive tools and techniques to detect issues without tearing apart your walls or yard. Once we find the problem, we will give you some options on how to move forward. The decision is ultimately yours and Septic Connection is ready to help with any maintenance or repairs.

Septic Maintenance

As long as you are careful with what goes in the septic tank, the rest of the maintenance is easy. In fact, the main maintenance items include septic pumping, septic cleaning, and percolation tests. Each can be done about once every two to three years, but this depends on your household size and the size of your septic tank. Septic Connection is proud to offer all of these services in Hodges.

We Are Your One-Stop-Shop

Septic Connection is thrilled to be your local full-service septic service provider. We can take care of anything from septic repairs or septic tank maintenance to a full replacement or new installation. Our technicians are trained and equipped with the latest tools and technology so that the job gets done right the first time around. Call Septic Connection now to schedule your septic service.

Emergency Service Available

Your septic system is responsible for disposing of and treating your waste and wastewater. Thus, repairs cannot wait. Fortunately, you do not have to rummage through web results for “septic tank repair near me” and call through a long list. Just grab your phone and call Septic Connection for emergency septic tank repair in Hodges. Our septic technicians and live representatives are on standby to take your call now. 

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